Now that you have an awareness of your research question criteria, how might you proceed with developing your own research question? As you start crafting your own research question, consider the following steps.
Step 1: Identify a broad topic of interest.
Step 2: Start to think about other variables or sub-topics that can narrow and focus your research.
Sample Brainstorm with 4Ws: Here are a few possible variables or sub-topics for a broad topic related to water pollution.
WHAT? plastics, microplastics, microfiber contamination, plastic bottle waste, mercury, health ...
WHERE? oceans, Pacific ocean, surface waters, aquatic ecosystem, China, waterways, North America …
WHO? whales, aquatic life, shrimp, humans, children ...
WHEN? Last 10 years, historically, 20th century …
Step 3: Start to string some of your variables or sub-topics into a research question.
You may not include every W in your question, and your question may have more than one W (what, where, who, when).
Step 4: Make adjustments with your research criteria in mind.
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