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Starting Your Research Series

Exploring Best Bets

Now that you have learned how to narrow the databases by subject, let's explore the recommended subject-specific databases.

When you select a subject using the All Subjects filter on the A-Z Databases page, a list of databases related to that subject will appear in a list.

When selecting Biology, available at which will open in a new tab, you will find a list of over 45 databases.  At the top of the list, there are three databases listed as Best Bets. A screenshot of what appears at the live site is provided below.

screenshot of Best Bets in Biology

Best Bets are recommended databases that can help you get started with finding information for topics related to a particular subject. Best Bets for Biology include BioOne Complete, Biosis Citation Index, and ScienceDirect.

Notice that the database descriptions provide you with more information about each database. Biosis Citation Index, for example, lists content from 5,300 journals, as well as conference proceedings, books, and patents.

Click the Next button to learn about subject-specific databases beyond the Best Bets.