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Sociology 215: Graduate Research Methods (Beattie - Spring 2025)

2025 Alert - U.S. Federal Data

An icon of a website with a frowny face and crossed out eyes suggesting a dead link or broken urlIn January 2025, the current administration began removing crucial data from public, federal government websites. Public data and statistics support everyone in the United States by allowing for informed decision-making. To this end, UC Merced Library put together an online research guide to help you find archived sources of this data or alternative options.

Research is a Process (Infographic)

Research is an iterative process. Instead of straightforward and linear, it is repetitive and cyclical. As you move through the steps to learn, you should modify and revise your strategies. Don't be afraid to return to an earlier step to reset your process!Research is a Process infographic; follow the long description link for a web accessible version

Long description of "Research is a Process" for web accessibility

Video: Installing & Connecting to the VPN

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is essential for accessing library resources for off-campus location. The VPN allows you to connect to the campus network.

View this video for more details about the VPN. (2:01)

Using Sociological Abstracts Tutorial (LibWizard)

Using Sociological Abstracts Tutorial

Click on the image below or the link at the bottom of this section to be taken to the tutorial start screen.


Through this tutorial you will learn how to:Follow this link to the "Using Sociological Abstracts" Tutorial

  • access Sociological Abstracts

  • construct a search

  • apply useful database limiters

  • access full-text of articles

  • generate citations in ASA format

Direct Link to Tutorial


1. Connect to the campus network via the VPN if you are off-campus.  You will need this connection to access one or more library databases while taking the tutorial.

2. Take the short quiz at the end of the tutorial.  Enter your email address AND your professor's email address. Afterwards locate the email confirmation. These emails often go to your SPAM folder, so be sure to check there.  It is often easiest to search in your email account for the phrase "Results for Using Sociological Abstracts" to find your email confirmation.

3. You are ready! Click on the link above to start the tutorial. Follow the instructions on the left hand of the screen and, as directed, complete activities in the main screen.

2/11/2025 Lesson Plan

Learning Outcomes

  • Use at least two different strategies for identifying relevant scholarly journals
  • Search strategically using controlled vocabularies (database thesaurus) for methodologies, theories, and other topics (variables)
  • Identify resources for creating and managing citations
  • Locate resources with relevant primary or secondary sources

Lesson Plan

  1. Strategies for Finding & Identifying Journals
    • Discussion: What are we doing already? What other strategies can we use?
    • What does ulrichsweb do?
  2. Using databases with controlled vocabularies (subject terms, thesaurus)
    • Video about subject terms: How and Why to use the APA Thesaurus...
    • ACTIVITY: Practice identifying and using the thesaurus
      • Find relevant methodolog(-y/-ies), terms about variables, theories.
      • Combine in a search with keywords and filters.
  3. Touch on Zotero & building an annotated bib
    • DOI tool in Zotero
    • Word and Google Doc integration
  4. Dive into the step 3 subpages
    • Time to search & ask questions.