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Research Methods Tutorials: Introductions to Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Developed for NSED, Spring 2025 by Bronwen Maxson and Joe Ameen

Research Methods Guide - Start Here

This guide is intended as a starting place for individuals interested in learning about different research methods. There is too much material to cover in a short guide or tutorial but hopefully this will help provide some context that will make future exploring more fruitful. Throughout this guide we will direct you to videos and additional references that may be helpful. 

How To Use this GuideA top right arrow pointing to the left from the computer to the world and another arrow in the bottom left pointing from the world to the computer

  1. Read the initial four pages for some context,
  2. Then go through each of the two tutorials:
  3. Take the quiz after each section to check your understanding
  4. Contact the Library or your instructor if you have questions!

Tutorial Learning Outcomes 

  • Recognize two (to three) different methodologies in both quantitative and qualitative approaches 
  • Match research question(s) to appropriate research methodologies 
  • Identify a scholarly resource to learn more about [instruments/methods] 
  • Point out the limitations of certain methodologies in achieving a desired outcome/output 

Have questions?

Contact us through the links on the Additional Resources page.

A Note about SAGE Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods will likely come in handy as you explore this topic. That platform includes:

  • Reference materials on conducting research. 
  • Information on how to design and conduct a research project.
  • How to conduct a literature review. 
  • Case studies from researchers. 
  • E-books in qualitative methods. 
  • Downloadable datasets to practice quantitative statistical and analytical methods.
  • Streaming video collection dedicated to methods.

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This guide has a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work for non-commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Thank you to Barbara M. Sorondo from FIU Libraries whose Research Methods Help Guide we heavily based this tutorial on. Thanks also to Carter McNamera's table overview of basic methods for data collection.