A comprehensive literature database of over 350,000 works of poetry, drama and prose dating as far back as 600. Includes links to other Web resources, bibliographies for over 400 authors and biographies for over 1,000 authors. Via ProQuest.
A comprehensive resource for research on literary topics, authors, and their works. Gateway to Literature Resource Center, Twayne's Authors Online Series and Scribner Writers Online Series.
1926 - present. Subject index for books, articles and websites published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
Simultaneously searches multiple arts and humanities databases, including: ARTbibliographies Modern, Ethnic NewsWatch, MLA International Bibliography, and many more.
A multidisciplinary database with full text content in the arts, social sciences, humanities and sciences.
Search by subject or browse full text of more than 500 scholarly journals in social sciences, humanities, and sciences, to their earliest issues. Many titles extend as far back as late 19th or early 20th centuries; most recent 3-5 years not included. As of 2024, also includes ARTstor.
Full-text versions of scholarly journals and books from university presses and scholarly societies. Focused on the humanities and social sciences.
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