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USTU 030: LAEP (Scalzo Jones)

Bases de Datos Recomendadas

Multi-Disciplinary Databases

Useful starting places for almost any topic!

Subject-Specific Databases in Alphabetical Order by Field/Subject



Communication & Media

Including Journalism & Photography



Language, Literature

Politics and Global Studies


Sociology and Social Sciences

Women's and Gender Studies

World Cultures

See also "Anthropology" above.

Zoological & Animal Studies

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If you are not finding what you need using these databases, try filtering by Subject on the Library's A-Z Database list. If you want more guidance, please contact a librarian for help.

Recursos de Acesso Abierto (Open Access Resources)

Open Access Resources

OA Databases are the most common way to publish and share scholarly literature in this region, so the articles in these databases are scholarly and often peer-reviewed as well as those in paid, subscription resources.