If you want to review search strategies, this video covers three which you can apply in your database searches. (3:04).
AND (Boolean operator) | Joins dissimilar terms or concepts with AND. |
writing AND motivation |
narrows |
OR (Boolean operator) | Joins similar terms or concepts with OR. | writing OR composing | broadens |
" " (phrase searching) | Place two or more words in double quotes to search for those terms in that specific order. |
"first-generation student" "writer's block" "creative writing process" |
narrows |
* (truncation) | Shorten the end of a word and replace with an asterisk to search for varied endings of that word. |
persuas* to search for persuasion, persuasive ... compos* to search for compose, composing, composition, compositions ... |
broadens |
Identify suitable databases for your research question. Will you explore both multidisciplinary and discipline focused databases? See the Information Landscape tab on this guide for more information on locating journals and databases.
Suggested Databases & Catalogs
A multidisciplinary database with full text content in the arts, social sciences, humanities and sciences.
Provides access to a collection of reference books including encyclopedias, dictionaries, measurement conversions and more. For Chrome browser users, follow this link to troubleshoot a known issue.
1939 - present. Access to scholarship on post-secondary composition and rhetoric starting from 1939. Citations from journal articles, review essays, notes and comments, books, dissertations, ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), and edited collections. Some citations link to full-text. Provided by the WAC Clearinghouse.
1968 - present. Full-text of peer-reviewed journals on education topics including diversity, teaching methods, leadership, and testing.
Includes full text for more than 1,700 journals, 550 books and monographs, education-related conference papers, citations for over four million articles including book reviews and over 100,000 controlled and cross-referenced names of educational tests.
1966 - present. Covers all areas of education, including adult, urban, rural, vocational, elementary, early childhood, handicapped, gifted, and higher education. Includes citations and abstracts to journal articles (EJ) and documents (ED) in education. Via EBSCO.
Brings together Gale's literary databases (Gale Virtual Reference Library, Literature Resource Center, Scribner Writer Series and Twayne's Authors Series) into one cross-searchable platform.
A search engine providing access to both freely available and subscription based resources including articles, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, conference proceedings and technical .
Search by subject or browse full text of more than 500 scholarly journals in social sciences, humanities, and sciences, to their earliest issues. Many titles extend as far back as late 19th or early 20th centuries; most recent 3-5 years not included. As of 2024, also includes ARTstor.
A comprehensive literature database of over 350,000 works of poetry, drama and prose dating as far back as 600. Includes links to other Web resources, bibliographies for over 400 authors and biographies for over 1,000 authors. Via ProQuest.
Locate books, articles, and more from all UC campuses and beyond in this unified discovery and borrowing system. Use filters and alternative search scopes to narrow your results. Connect via the VPN to view all content available to you. Log in to your account to request material.
(coverage varies according to journal title) Includes abstracts, tables of contents, and full text of articles from journals as well as a few book selections. Content includes the sciences, technology, medicine and social sciences.
1952 - present. Abstracts journal articles, monographs, dissertations, conference proceedings, other research covering sociology, social work, and related social sciences. Also includes selected web resources.
Provides online access to journals published by Taylor & Francis,with over 3,200 titles covering a wide array of subject areas.
You may find that you use multiple strategies in a single search. Example:
writing OR composing
"college student" OR undergraduate*
Here is an example of this search in Academic Search Complete with writing OR composing limited to the Title field. This is a narrowing strategy.
After trying an initial search, skim and ask yourself the following questions:
Try other searches.
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