The 3 Types of User Interviews: Structured, Semi-Structured, and Unstructured (NNgroup) 3:03
This is a brief introduction to interview types. What type of interview might be best for your research? Note that this video seems related to market research.
How Do I Ask Well-Worded Interview Questions? (SAGE Research Methods, Dr. Bethany Morgan Brett) 11:38
Dr. Morgan Brett provides good examples from her own work. This video is part of SAGE Research Methods. If it does not appear below, ensure that you are connected to the VPN and use this link.
Implementing In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) Well: Qualitative Research Methods (Mod-U: Powerful Concepts in Social Science) 3:!6
The narrator offers some basic tips for conducting your interviews, noting the importance of preparation.
Grants access to the SAGE Research Methods Base Model, with access to more than 1,000 books, reference works and journal articles from across the social sciences, as well as 500 SRM Case Studies and SRM Datasets for teaching and instruction. SAGE Research Videos are not included.
Use the Methods Map in SAGE Research Methods for a definition of qualitative interviewing and links to broader, related, and narrower terms. SAGE is collection of ebook titles related to research methods. The VPN is required to access.
Use the Methods Map in SAGE Research Methods for a definition of survey research and links to broader, related, and narrower terms. SAGE is collection of ebook titles related to research methods. The VPN is required to access.
7 Tips for Good Survey Questions (Elon University Poll, Kenneth Fernandez) 4:02
Practical take-aways for designing quality survey questions.
Designing a Survey (SAGE Video) 4:02
Gives an overview of survey elements and questions to ask yourself as you start to create a survey.
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