Personal Interview Citations
In general, you will want to include the following when citing a personal interview that you conducted.
- The name of the person you interviewed
- That it was a personal interview
- The date
Below are some examples formatted in 3 different styles.
MLA Style
Ramirez, Maya. Personal interview. 19 May 2025.
See more at the Purdue Owl MLA site.
APA Style
In APA you do not need to cite a personal interview in your references, as this is considered to be a personal communication. See more at the Purdue Owl APA site.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Per the Purdue Owl, in Chicago, "Personal communications are usually referenced within the text or a note. They rarely appear as bibliographic entries. Do not include the e-mail address or other contact information through which the communication was conducted unless it is necessary and you have the source’s permission."
An example of a note citation is:
1. Maya Ramirez, email message to author, December 11, 2024.
For links to style guides and other resources, please visit the 5. Organize, Write & Cite page of this guide.