The African News Search Engine "searches through 255 news sources from Africa south-of-the-Sahara. ... This search engine only searches news sources that are freely available on the internet and is most useful for news published in the last 10 years.” It is provided by New College @ the University of Toronto and was built using Google's Custom Search Engine technology.
Scroll below the search box to view all sources included in the search engine and individual links to newspapers.
Tips & Observations:
- At the search results page, the default sort will be by Date. You can change to Relevance.
- At the search results page, you can select a region. This will modify your search results.
- At the search results page, the first result will be an advertisement.
- Note: Continue to be aware of who is providing the information and when it was published. I have found that some news items still come from western perspectives/presses.