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RefWorks - Citation Management Software

Creating & Using Folders

Create Folders

Add folders by clicking the + Add folder link under My Folders.

Add Folder screenshot


Create Sub-Folders

Click the 3 vertical dots to the right of a folder name for the option to add a Subfolder.

Add Subfolder screenshot


Folder Display

Sort folders Alphabetically (A-Z) OR section Custom (drag & drop) to move folders to your desired location.

options to sort folders - screenshot


Not in Folder / Last Imported

When you add references to RefWorks, you can choose to add them to a folder of your choice.  If you do not select a folder, they will appear in the Last Imported section.

assign folder to imported references - screenshot


Move Citations to Folders

To move citations. Select citations > click "Assign to Folder" > Check mark the folder of your choice >and click "Apply".  You can also drag & drop citations to a desired folder.

assign to folder - screenshot



Organizing References with Folders (Video)

from ExLibris RefWorks (3:19)