A free, open-source platform focused on making American Community Survey (ACS) data more accessible, including the recent upload of the 2022 1-Year ACS data
The Census Bureau is the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. After July 1, 2019, all new data (previously released on American FactFinder) is released on this new data platform.
contains 46 demographic, energy, health, and housing indicators down to the tract-level with free access for community-based organizations; others require a subscription.
offers a free tier that can be used to view basic information down to the tract-level, but more detailed data and functionality requires a subscription; available at some universities Purged Federal Agency Data Available
Even when the government operates normally, many analysts turn to Minnesota Population Center products to access ACS, Current Population Survey microdata and Decennial Census data.
1960 - present. Provides access to the world's largest collection of publicly available individual-level census data and source documents from 1960 forward. Free registration required to view and download data.