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Writing 112 (Fenstermaker)

WRI 112 - resources for finding information on artists and their work


This guide brings together resources related to the arts.  Included are search strategies to help you find the information you'll need for this course.


Image from Pixabay

Guide Summary

Use the side tabs to navigate this guide.  Below is a summary of the information located on each tab. 

Search Strategies:  includes three basic search strategies to use in databases

Finding Images: points to databases and additional resources for locating images

More on ARTstor: discover how to use this large image databases to locate high quality images

Databases - Art Focus: lists databases recommended for research in the arts field, including about artistic movements, painters, exhibitions, works of art etc.

Databases - Arts & Humanities: lists additional databases that may also refer to art topics and additional historical context around art topics

About Artists: provides information on how to find biographical information on artists and interviews

About Exhibitions: strategies for locating information on artist exhibitions or exhibition catalogs

Scholarly or Popular?: notes characteristics of popular and scholarly sources

Access: information the Virtual Private Network (VPN), finding full text through Get it at UC, and requesting resources through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Citing Images: resources for learning how to cite images in Chicago format


Instruction & Outreach Librarian

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Olivia Olivares
Kolligian Library
KL 275J
(209) 285-7742