A news source for academia, it includes information on jobs for college and university faculty and administration. If you have access issues, change browsers or follow this link to troubleshoot.
Dates vary. Full-text content of more than 600 U.S. newspapers and 700 international sources. Local, regional and world news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people.
NewsBank includes college/university newspapers.
Provides access to a full-text database of over 15,000 sources including newspapers, journals, wire services, newsletters, company reports and SEC filings, case law, government documents, and selected reference works. Access Nexis Dossier and Total Patent One from the top left waffle menu.
1985 - present. Provides access to the five most respected US national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. Content is available by 8am each day and archives contain coverage as far back as 1985.
1985 - present. LA Times news stories, sports, business, culture, editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries and letters to the editor from well-known authors are indexed and searchable in this database. Cited articles include an abstract.
Set up your own access for the New York Times Online or use the ProQuest database to search it.
Grants digital access to NYTimes.com from 1851 to present, including video, multimedia, and multi-language articles. Users activate with UC Merced email on campus or via VPN, re-authenticating annually. See More Info for the Library's activation guide.
For more instructions, consult this Activation Guide. After you have registered, you can log in from the NYTimes.com site even if you are not on the VPN or connected to the UC Merced network, Eduroam.
1980 - present. Comprehensive digital coverage. News stories, sports, business, culture, editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries and letters to the editor from well-known authors are indexed and searchable in this database. Cited articles include an abstract.
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