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Mendeley - Citation Management Software

Organize your Mendeley Library

References can be added to Collections to organize and categorize your library. Click on New Collection to add a custom collection. Drag and drop items or select multiple items and use the Organize option that appears at the bottom center of the page. 

Adding a reference to a Collection does not relocate the reference, but acts as a label. All references still appear in ‘All References’. If you delete a collection the references inside will still be available in ‘All References’.

Click on the star icon to mark favorite citations. To "favorite" a batch of items, select the citations and use the Mark as option at the bottom center of the page. 

Green dots indicate that an item currently has a status of "unread."

Save & Store PDFs

Where your database files are stored depends on your operating system. The default location for the different operating systems is:

  • Windows 7,8,10: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Mendeley Ltd.\Mendeley Desktop\
  • Mac OS X: /Users/< Your username> /Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/

When adding PDFs, Mendeley will create a link to where the PDF is stored on your computer. If you move or delete the PDF, the link will break. Be sure to move your PDFs to where you plan to store them before adding them to Mendeley.