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Critical Race & Ethnic Studies 100 (Myers): Welcome

Theories in Critical Race & Ethnic Studies


After your lesson, you will be able to:

  • find background information on a topic or theory
  • recognize the difference between original / empirical articles and review articles
  • identify databases useful for CRES research
  • apply search strategies to find scholarly articles


  • Welcome
  • Review library basics
  • Assignment goal
  • Finding background information
    • Credo Reference
  • Recognizing scholarly articles
    • original & review articles
  • Selecting databases by subject
  • Database of your choice demo:
    • Academic Search Complete
    • Google Scholar
    • JSTOR
    • Sociological Abstracts
  • Review how to make appointments & use the chat

Research Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Olivia Olivares
Kolligian Library
KL 275J
(209) 285-7742