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Writing 130: Grant and Proposal Writing (Ocena)

Choosing a database for your topic

Selecting Databases

Below are suggested databases grouped by subject area as well as other subject guides. Don't limit yourself to one database or you will miss articles in other journals. Explore and experiment, mix and match! Some additional subject guides, which include lists of databases related to specific fields of study, are included below, but all can be found at the following link:

Index finger pointed rightBe aware: Suggested topics below do NOT automatically translate to be the best keywords for your search. Also, databases do NOT work like Google. In order to learn how to search these databases, check out the other pages in this guide.



These databases are good starting places for all topics and subject areas:


Choose one of these databases if your topic relates to:

hiring employees
marketing a product or service
staff training
customer relations
reducing theft
employee retention 
improving communication among staff



Chose one of these databases if your topic relates to health or medical topics:



If your topic relates to educational topics like these, choose one of these databases:

student retention 
student involvement or engagement
student government or organizations
membership campaigns 
student participation
student life



If your topic is related to social or political issues, choose one of these databases:



If your topic relates to student athletics, try these databases below and also see education-related databases above.



If your topic relates to one of the following topics, choose a database below:

fund raising
nonprofit organizations

Accessing Full-Text

Click Get it at UC to easily find the full-text of a resource. 

If we do not have it full-text in our collection, you will have an option to Request the item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) at no cost to you.

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Merced County Public Library - Databases

If you have a public library card, you can use the business and sports databases from MCL: