Open Word. Look for Zotero in the upper ribbon of Word. Select it.
Step 1: Document Preferences
- Which citation style do you want?
Step 2: Start Adding Citations to Your Document
Zotero Quick Bar
- Type in author name.
- Select author.
- Click on bar to insert page number.
- Repeat as needed.
- Hit enter when done.
Zotero Classic View (may be preferred if you want to see the authors & titles)
- Search for author (upper right).
- Select author.
- Add page number.
- Select Multiple Source. This will initially move the citation to the right panel.
- Select another source. Hit the green arrow to move it to the right panel.
- Enter page number.
- Click OK or Enter when you have select all desired sources.
Step 3: Create Bibliography
Once you have added one or more citations to the document, you can created bibliography.
- Click. Add/Edit Bibliography.