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Spanish 175 (Magaña): Bienvenidos / Welcome

Spanish in the U.S.

Resultados del aprendizaje / Learning outcomes

After this lesson, you will be able to:

  • apply solutions to your most pressing research needs
    • This will be based on the issues you have brought up in class
    • Solutions may include search strategies, resources, and/or services
  • narrow your topic into a research question
  • brainstorm possible subtopics to address in your argumentative paper

Talleres / Workshops

Encuentra la guía / Find the guide

CatCourses > Pages > Library Research Guide


What has been challenging about your research so far?

In assigned groups of four, discuss issues you are facing with your research. What has been challenging? What do you foresee as challenges?

  • Select someone in your group to list challenges on your sticky note.
  • Select someone in your group to share with the class.













Bibliotecaria de Instrucción / Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Olivia Olivares
Kolligian Library
KL 275J
(209) 285-7742