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Software Carpentry


  1. Download and install the latest version of R for Mac OS.
  2. Download and install the latest version of XQuartz.
  3. Download and install RStudio Desktop.
  4. Open the RStudio application. Copy and paste the following command into the Console window (look for a blinking cursor) and press Return:
    install.packages(c("tidyverse", "lubridate", "ratdat"))
  5. R will attempt to install the Tidyverse, Lubridate, and Ratdat packages on your machine. When the installation process has finished, copy and paste the following command into the Console window and press Return:
    If you do not see an error like there is no package called '...' you are good to go!


  1. Download and install the latest version of R for Windows.
  2. Download and install RStudio Desktop.
  3. Open the RStudio application. Copy and paste the following command into the Console window (look for a blinking cursor) and press Enter:
    install.packages(c("tidyverse", "lubridate", "ratdat"))
  4. R will attempt to install the Tidyverse, Lubridate, and Ratdat packages on your machine. When the installation process has finished, copy and paste the following command into the Console window and press Enter:
    If you do not see an error like there is no package called '...' you are good to go!

Note for administrators of shared lab computers: If you are installing R on a shared computer, you may need to run the installer as administrator (right-click on .exe file and select "Run as administrator" instead of double-clicking) or take other actions to ensure that all users can run R. You can find more information about troubleshooting installation on shared Windows machines here:


  1. Download and install the latest version of R
    1. Option 1: Download the binary files for your distribution from CRAN.
    2. Option 2: Install R via your package manager.
      1. For Debian/Ubuntu, run sudo apt-get install r-base .
      2. For Fedora, run sudo dnf install R.
  2. Download and install RStudio Desktop.
  3. Open the RStudio application. Copy and paste the following command into the Console window (look for a blinking cursor) and press Enter:
    install.packages(c("tidyverse", "lubridate", "ratdat"))
  4. R will attempt to install the Tidyverse, Lubridate, and Ratdat packages on your machine. When the installation process has finished, copy and paste the following command into the Console window and press Enter:
    If you do not see an error like there is no package called '...' you are good to go!