From Omeka Site Planning Tips:
1. What are the primary goals of the website?
2. Who is the primary audience of this website? Secondary audiences?
What do you want these specific audiences to accomplish when they come to the site?
What content/actions do you want to prioritize?
3. What sections will this website include?
Typical top level navigation and sections for a typical Omeka site include:
Items: (renamed however you would like Archive/Sources/Objects) links to a browseable list of items, sortable by type of item and tags.
Collections (renamed however you would like): groups of items, public can dig through collection to find items.
Exhibits: (renamed however you would like): Exhibits contain interpretative text and rely on items/sources/objects as their building blocks.
About-- a simple page good for publishing project descriptions, credits, rights, et al
Keyword Search box –option to link to advanced search page
What kind of functionality do you need to manage the collection? These plugins may be useful to install:
What features would you like to build into the online experience for users? These plugins (and others) may be useful to install:
Read the User Guide for Scholars for more step-by-step instructions on setting up Omeka.