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History 100 (Amussen)

Library Research for The Historian's Craft

Intro to Exploring Primary Sources

Introduction: These videos are meant to help you more successfully search or browse a primary source database for your HIST 100 research. The five videos are best viewed in sequence. The complete series will take ~50 minutes to view. 

Click video links in this box or scroll down to access the embedded versions.

Activity: As you view these videos, think about the strategies that you might apply to your own examination of one or more primary source collection databases. 

-- Sara

Primary Source Series

Part 1: Archival Concepts (6:26)

Part 2: Empire Online (15:50)

Part 3: History Vault (15:01)

Part IV: Border and Migration Studies Online (9:12)

Part V: Secondary Sources (3:47)

Part 1: Archival Concepts (6:26)

Part 2: Empire Online (15:50)

Part 3: History Vault (15:01)

Part 4: Border & Migration Studies Online (9:12)

Part 5: Secondary Sources (3:46)