In your groups, explore a search tool in your assigned category. If possible, explore one that you haven't used before. Answer the following questions on your large sticky note.
Reference sources, like encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and Wikipedia, provide information such as definitions, brief histories, and biographical information.
The encyclopedia entry, "Race and Media," which is available through the Credo database, comes from the book Media Psychology 101. It is an example of a reference source that provides a brief overview of some of the major issues, along with some definitions. Note that the entry is from 2015.
Provides access to a collection of reference books including encyclopedias, dictionaries, measurement conversions and more. For Chrome browser users, follow this link to troubleshoot a known issue.
Search over 250 dictionaries and reference titles covering the complete subject spectrum: from General Reference and Language to Science and Medicine, and from Humanities and Social Sciences to Business and Professional.
There are many podcasts that touch on the various topics covered in your class, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. Below is just a sample. To find more:
Try running a search for podcasts online.
Example: "Native American*" AND film* AND podcast*
Use a directory (basically, a list) to point you to podcasts you might be interested in listening to.
Example: Podcasts in Color
Books are useful for background information and can add depth to a research topic or put your topic in context with other important issues. Some books are also scholarly, such as those published by a university press.
The book below, Algorithms of Oppression, is an example of a scholarly book. It was published by New York University Press in 2018.
Locate books, articles, and more from all UC campuses and beyond in this unified discovery and borrowing system. Use filters and alternative search scopes to narrow your results. Connect via the VPN to view all content available to you. Log in to your account to request material.
EBSCO now hosts ebooks formerly on the NetLibrary platform. Minimum browser requirements: IE 7.0, Firefox 3.0, and Safari 3.0. Adobe Acrobat Reader required for viewing PDF files. Acrobat Reader 8.2 recommended. Single user access. A title become available when a user leaves the ebook page or closes the browser window.
An eBook collection from a variety of academic subject areas. View titles online. Login to use personalized tools such as the bookshelf and highlighting.
Many, but not all, scholarly articles go through a peer review process, which means they are checked by academics and other experts. The articles are often based on original studies (surveys, experiments, clinical trials, etc.), reviews of previous research, or theoretical in nature.
The article "Gender Representation in Children's Literature: 1900-1984" (1989) studied representations of male and female main characters in children's books published in the twentieth century. The findings show that at the beginning and end of the era studied, there seems to have been more equal representation. For books that featured adult or animal characters, males were more represented over time.
The databases below provide access to scholarly articles, as well as other types of content. Read through the descriptions to learn what kind of information each databases contains.
A multidisciplinary database with full text content in the arts, social sciences, humanities and sciences.
A search engine providing access to both freely available and subscription based resources including articles, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, conference proceedings and technical .
Search by subject or browse full text of more than 500 scholarly journals in social sciences, humanities, and sciences, to their earliest issues. Many titles extend as far back as late 19th or early 20th centuries; most recent 3-5 years not included. As of 2024, also includes ARTstor.
Simultaneously searches multiple social science databases, including EconLit, ERIC (education), Philosopher's Index, PsycARTICLES, and many more.
1952 - present. Abstracts journal articles, monographs, dissertations, conference proceedings, other research covering sociology, social work, and related social sciences. Also includes selected web resources.
The Black Studies Center compiles historical and current material for researching the past, present and future of African-Americans, the wider African Diaspora, and Africa itself.
Comprehensive bibliographic index for all types of material on Mexican-American topics. Provides extensive indexing from 1960s to the present; selective coverage back to early 1900s. Newer records include the broader Latino experience, including Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants.
1970 - present. Lists journal articles on Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, the U.S.-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the U.S.
Includes current and retrospective bibliographic citations and abstracts from scholarly journals and newsletters from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean and full-text coverage of core Black Studies periodicals.
1970s - present. A full text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Includes academic and scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, books, conference proceedings, government reports, etc.
An index to the world's literature regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues. Contains indexing and abstracts for more than 200 LGBT-specific core periodicals and more than 360 LGBT-specific core books and reference works. Via EBSCO.
1982 - present.A collection of full-text articles from approximately 60 journals covering subjects such as mass communication, journalism and public opinion.
Simultaneously searches multiple arts and humanities databases, including: ARTbibliographies Modern, Ethnic NewsWatch, MLA International Bibliography, and many more.
1874 - present. Provides indexes, abstracts and selected full text for hundreds of music journals covering research on topics such as performance, theory, composition, music education, jazz and ethnomusicology. Includes scholarly and popular materials. Previously International Index to Music Periodical Full Text.
News sources provide information about current events. Historical newspapers can provide a snapshot of past events through the perspective of those from the era. In addition to national newspapers, it's also important to look through regional and local papers, including ethnic newspapers and newspaper from other perspectives.
In the Central Valley, the local bilingual (Spanish/English) newspaper is Vida en en Valle, which provides local news from a Hispanic/Latinx community perspective.
1991 - present. Index of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from more than 300 international alternative, radical and left periodicals. Includes topics related to culture, economics, politics and social change.
Includes Ethnic NewsWatch: A History. Full text access to U.S. ethnic community newspapers, newsletters, magazines. Includes African-American, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian-Pacific, European-American, Hispanic, Jewish, Native-American. Searchable in English and Spanish.
Dates vary. Full-text content of more than 600 U.S. newspapers and 700 international sources. Local, regional and world news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people.
Provides cover-to-cover full text for nearly 300 major U.S. and International newspapers. In addition, full-text television and radio news transcripts are provided from ABC News, CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, NPR, etc.
1985 - present. Provides access to the five most respected US national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. Content is available by 8am each day and archives contain coverage as far back as 1985.