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Critical Race & Ethnic Studies 101 (Alamri): Recognizing Bias Activity

Race and the Media

Artificial intelligence can be biased against certain people. Here's how.

Whether we know it or not, we use artificial intelligence every day. But the results AI gives us may reinforce our own cultural stereotypes (PBS NewsHour, 4:21).


  • We will divide into groups of 5 or so students.
  • Each group will be assigned a short article to read.
    • If you are comfortable, I recommend that you and your group members take turns reading aloud, though I realize this might be a challenge.
  • Each group will also need to discuss and answer the questions found below as you will be sharing your responses with the class.


  1. What is your article about? Summarize it in 1-2 sentences.
  2. What surprised you about the article?
  3. Are the biases that the article refers to implicit or explicit? A combination? What makes you think this?
  4. How does learning about these biases impact the way you think about using the information tool / system?