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Spark 1 (Moyes)

Spark Seminar: Archaeology in Popular Culture

Wikipedia Experience Poll

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5 Pillars of Wikipedia

6  Five Pillars of wikipedia  Wikipedia is an encyclopedia Wikipedia is a reference source and not a soapbox, vanity press, newspaper, or a platform for unpublished research.   Wikipedia’s editors treat each other with respect & civility Respect fellow editors and don't engage in personal attacks. If conflicts arise, discuss calmly on Talk pages and follow resolution procedures.     Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view Provide information about issues rather than debate or advocate. All articles are based on (and cite) verifiable, accurate, reliable, and authoritative sources. Personal experiences, interpretations, or opinions do not belong.   Wikipedia is free content that anyone can use, edit, & distribute All editors freely license their work. No editor owns an article; all contributions can be edited. As an editor, never plagiarize and respect copyright law.   Wikipedia has no firm rules Policies and guidelines are not carved in stone. The principles and spirit matter more than literal wording.