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Spark 1 (Moyes)

Spark Seminar: Archaeology in Popular Culture

Why Cite?

Citing your sources is important because:

  • Giving credit (attribution) to original authors helps you avoid plagiarizing
  • Citations allow your readers to find your sources
  • Citations add credibility to your arguments
  • Your professors expect it as part of standard academic discourse

Zotero Bib

Always compare citations generated from a database or a citation generator (like Zotero, Easy Bib, etc.) with a correctly formatted citation. Auto-generated citations can contain errors and need to be reviewed. 

Step 1: Enter your title, DOI, or URL and click Cite. You may be prompted to confirm your item. If Zotero cannot locate your item, use the Manual Entry option. 

Step 2: Using the Bibliography dropdown menu to select your preferred style. If your style is not listed, select 9,900+ other styles available to search for additional styles. 

Step 3: Type the style name you would like to use and click, Add.