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UCM Library Annual Asessessment Plan & Report 2012-2013 (Budget Priorities): Goal B: User Comm & Instruction

Version of the Annual Assessment Plan 12-13 with budget priorities called out.

Goal B

The library will sustain—in the face of a growing community of students and faculty—current levels and quality of user communication and instruction services by optimizing our resources, collaborating with partners, leveraging technology, and diversifying our instruction models. 


Relevance to campus budget priorities:

Enhancing Student Academic Support/ Improving Student Success & Retention

  • Communicating effectively with students at all times, and providing instruction where possible, is essential to equip students with the information literacy skills they need for success in the Information Age.


Outcome B1:

Increase undergraduate student research skills in a sustainable manner through consistent and effective information literacy instruction and the use of existing and emerging technologies.

Measures: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10

Outcome B2:

Provide library student assistants with the knowledge and skills to provide excellent customer service, including the ability to answer and refer questions. 

Measures: C9, C10, E3

Outcome B3:

Increase awareness of library resources & services, collections, faculty & student research, cultural knowledge through digital signage, exhibits, the website, and social networking tools.

Measures: B3, B5, B6, B11, B12


Measure B1:

Provide information-literacy instruction to over 50% of WRI 10 sections.

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B2:

Fulfill 100% of requests for instruction.

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B3:

At least 70% of incoming freshmen students will have taken the iPod Touch Tour between the start of fall semester and the middle of spring semester. 

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B4:

Eighty percent of students in WRI 10 who receive library instruction will indicate through their portfolios that library instruction helped them successfully find information for their research papers.

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B5:

Eighty percent of students who take the iPod Touch Tour will indicate on the assessment that their knowledge of the library's space, services, and resources is "good" or "excellent."

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B6:

Seventy-five percent of the students who complete the iPod Touch Tour follow up assignment will receive scores of "high" or "perfect."

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B7:

Students in focus groups who received instruction from the library or used library guides in their course work will report that these were helpful.

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B8:

Eighty percent of students who respond to UCCUES questions on library research skill will report that their current ability is "good," or "very good," or "excellent."

Responsibility: IPA/Sara Davidson

Measure B9:

Eighty percent of the students responding to the graduating senior campus survey who received library instruction will "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statement "The library research instruction I received helped me find suitable information resources for my papers and projects."

Responsibility: IPA/Sara Davidson

Measure B10:

Develop a method to automatically gather and report data on use of the UC Libraries Systemwide Tutorial by UC Merced students. 

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B11:

The library will collect baseline statistics on the number of users visiting the library's website, LibGuides, and Facebook pages.

Responsibility: Sara Davidson

Measure B12:

The library will collect baseline data from students in focus groups indicating how they have learned about the library's resources and services.

Responsibility: Sara Davidson