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UCM Library Annual Asessessment Plan & Report 2012-2013 (Budget Priorities): Goal A: Physical Resources

Version of the Annual Assessment Plan 12-13 with budget priorities called out.

Goal A

The library will leverage its physical resources (space, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and IT infrastructure) to provide for the common good of the UC Merced Library user community, with a non-exclusive bias towards meeting the needs of undergraduate students.

Relevance to campus budget priorities:

Enhancing Student Academic Support/ Improving Student Success & Retention

  • On a campus where space is at a premium, the library provides essential space for both collaborative and individual study. UCM librarians use library classroom space to enhance information literacy among students by teaching students about the discovery, retrieval, application, and evaluation of information resources.

Ensuring Campus Safety

  • The library staff design and manage library spaces so that users are safe from accidental or intentional harm. The latter is especially important in a building that is open until midnight most night and open around the clock during finals.


Outcome A1

Provide accessible, functional, comfortable, and productive spaces that support a variety of academic needs, including quiet study, group study, social interaction, and campus meetings and events.

Measures: A1, A2, A3, A4

Outcome A2

Reduce physical barriers to information by providing easily navigated spaces, logically organized and maintained book stacks, and clear options for library services.

Measures: A2, A3

Outcome A3

Make all decisions about library spaces based on both user assessment and the professional judgment of library staff.

Measures: A1, A2, A3, A4


Measure A1

The UC Merced Library will annually compare its opening hours with those of other UC Libraries with the goal of being at or above the UC Systemwide median for total hours open.

Responsibility: Eric Scott

Measure A2

The UC Merced Library will measure building occupancy rates, tying measured occupancies to day of the week, time of day, and library locations. The Library Access Services Department will conduct daily occupancy counts on nights and weekends; it will conduct weekday counts from 2 to 4 times per semester. The library will analyze this data and consider it in planning the scheduling of operating hours, staffing levels, and furniture acquisition.

Responsibility: Eric Scott

Measure A3

Seventy-five percent of students in focus groups will respond that they are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the library's physical resources. Findings inconsistent with this goal will be examined for space planning implications.

Responsibility: Eric Scott

Measure A4

The UC Merced Library will collect data on the number and type of events hosted in the library with the goal of creating a longitudinal record of the use of the library.

Responsibility: Eric Scott