Importing Citations
Importing Citations from Search Results
To import citations, open Zotero (either desktop or web version), and conduct a search. ln your search results, look for icons in the top right of your browser. These will vary depending on the type of source.
Click the icon to add the item to your Library.
Above, see the small folder icon (in the yellow box) at the top right. The folder icon appears because there are multiple articles listed in the results. To add some or all items in a search results list, click on the folder icon and select which items you'd like to add.
Importing a Citation From a Search Record
Above, see the small article icon (in the yellow box) at the top right. The article icon appears because this is the record for one article. To add the article to your Zotero library, click the icon. You will be able to choose where you would like to save the article.
Importing Citations from Websites
You can add websites to Zotero by clicking the icon (above) that appears in the top right.
Not all websites will provide enough information for Zotero. If the page is not recognized, the icon will be gray (instead of blue).
If "Automatically take snapshots when creating items from web pages" is enabled in Zotero > Preferences > General, a snapshot of the webpage can be saved to your computer and added as a child item. You will see it listed below the record for the initial item. The snapshot will show you the page as it appeared at the time of the snapshot.