1. Use OR to broaden your search. Use to join similar terms. Example: power OR authority
2. Use AND to narrow your search. Use to join dissimilar terms. Example: anxiety AND tutoring
3. You can use AND and OR together. Example: (aggressions OR microagressions) AND "writing centers"
"Quotation Marks"
To search for specific phrases, enclose them in quotation marks. The database will search for those words together in that order. Examples: “writing tutorials”, “international students”, “undergraduate writing tutors”
Truncate a word in order to search for different forms of the same word. Many databases use the asterisk * as the truncation symbol.
Add the truncation symbol to the word tutor* to search for tutor, tutors, tutoring etc.
You do have to be careful with truncation. If you add the truncation symbol to the word minor*, the database will search for minor, minors, minority, minorities, etc.