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Writing 116 (Gautreau)

Writing in the Natural Sciences (WRI 116)

Strategies for Locating Articles

Spotty Citation (About the Article)

Look for specific information such as author(s), journal in which the study was published, date of publication, unique words to describe the subject area.

  • If the journal name is given, use the Journals@UCMerced to locate the journal. 
    • Note: This will only locate journals to which the UC Merced Library subscribes.
  • If the author and/or other topic information is given, trying searching a database using those terms. e.g. Google Scholar, UC Library Search (catalog), or Web of Science.

Known Citation (Complete information)

1) Favorite short cut -->  Try searching for the article title in Google Scholar.

2) Search for the journal title in the Journals@UCMerced.

3) Seach for the journal title OR the article title in UC Library Search..

4) You may be able to find it in a major database IF it belongs to a specific subject area.

Using Incomplete Information to Locate an Article


Sample Citations - Do we have these?

Example #1

Detection of mycobacterial DNA in a patient with neurosarcoidosis. Acta neurologica Scandinavica (1995)  volume: 91  issue: 4  page: 280 - 2.

Example #2

Endolymphatic hydrops and CSF pressure. Journal of neurosurgery (1984)  volume: 60  issue: 6  page: 1332 - 4.


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