Spotty Citation (About the Article)
Look for specific information such as author(s), journal in which the study was published, date of publication, unique words to describe the subject area.
- If the journal name is given, use the Journals@UCMerced to locate the journal.
- Note: This will only locate journals to which the UC Merced Library subscribes.
- If the author and/or other topic information is given, trying searching a database using those terms. e.g. Google Scholar, UC Library Search (catalog), or Web of Science.
Known Citation (Complete information)
1) Favorite short cut --> Try searching for the article title in Google Scholar.
2) Search for the journal title in the Journals@UCMerced.
3) Seach for the journal title OR the article title in UC Library Search..
4) You may be able to find it in a major database IF it belongs to a specific subject area.