Use the side tabs to navigate this guide. Below is a summary of the information located on each tab.
Search Strategies: includes three basic search strategies to use in databases
Finding Images: points to databases and additional resources for locating images
More on ARTstor: discover how to use this large image databases to locate high quality images
Databases - Art Focus: lists databases recommended for research in the arts field, including about artistic movements, painters, exhibitions, works of art etc.
Databases - Arts & Humanities: lists additional databases that may also refer to art topics and additional historical context around art topics
About Artists: provides information on how to find biographical information on artists and interviews
About Exhibitions: strategies for locating information on artist exhibitions or exhibition catalogs
Scholarly or Popular?: notes characteristics of popular and scholarly sources
Access: information the Virtual Private Network (VPN), finding full text through Get it at UC, and requesting resources through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Citing Images: resources for learning how to cite images in Chicago format