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Writing 10: College Reading and Composition (49-Downey)

Spring 2024

Affordable Housing: Identify Keywords in a Research Question

What are the keywords you would select for this research question? Select your answer and click Submit.

What policies are effective in creating affordable housing and reducing housing inequities?
policies, effective, inequities: 0 votes (0%)
policies, affordable housing: 0 votes (0%)
policies, effective, affordable housing: 1 votes (100%)
reduce, housing inequities: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1

Social Media: Identify Keywords in a Research Question

What are the keywords you would select for this research question? Select your answer and click Submit.

Should social media companies be responsible for monitoring online content posted to their platforms?
social media, monitor, platforms: 0 votes (0%)
monitor, content, platforms: 0 votes (0%)
social media, monitor, content: 28 votes (96.55%)
social media, responsible, monitor, content: 1 votes (3.45%)
Total Votes: 29