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Using RefWorks to Build an Annotated Bibliography

Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly

graphic of scholarly and non-scholarly sources

from video "Scholarly vs non-scholarly sources - academic resources Research ready" (1:58) from Southern Cross University Library

Scholarly and Non-Scholarly Characteristics

Scholarly Non-Scholarly
can include articles and books can include articles, books, and many other information sources from blogs to government publications
Scholarly articles are also referred to as peer-reviewed or refereed articles.  These are a sub-set of scholarly articles. sources that are non-scholarly can still be useful and credible
Scholarly books are often produced by university presses (e.g. University of California Press) or other publishers focused on academic literature produced by a variety of individuals and organizations from reputable organizations to self-publishers
include citations, usually extensive (lots!) citations may or may not be included
written by and for faculty, researchers or scholars (research focused) written for a variety of audiences


What is a Journal and a Peer Reviewed Article?

Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), Ronald Williams Library, 1:22

  1. What is a periodical?
  2. What is a journal?  
  3. How are journals different from other periodicals (newspapers, magazines)?
  4. Who do you think the audience is for journal articles?