2004 - present. CRS provides excellent background information on areas of public policy. Reports are generated by researchers working within the Library of Congress and are created at the request of Members of Congress or their committees.
You can filter CRS reports by Congress.
Congressional Publications - no citing functionality.
CQ Researcher and CQ Weekly, listed below, are available through the larger CQ Press Library. Keep searches simple in these resources.
CQ Researcher offers in-depth, unbiased coverage of a pressing political or social issue. Covers topics in health, international affairs, education, public policy, the environment, technology, and the U.S. economy.
Provides access to a full-text database of over 15,000 sources including newspapers, journals, wire services, newsletters, company reports and SEC filings, case law, government documents, and selected reference works. Access Nexis Dossier and Total Patent One from the top left waffle menu.
Dates vary. Full-text content of more than 600 U.S. newspapers and 700 international sources. Local, regional and world news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people.
1980 - present. Comprehensive digital coverage. News stories, sports, business, culture, editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries and letters to the editor from well-known authors are indexed and searchable in this database. Cited articles include an abstract.
1984 - present. WSJ is the worlds leading financial newspaper. News stories, sports, business, culture, editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries and letters to the editor from well-known authors are indexed and searchable in this database. Cited articles include an abstract.
1985 - present. Provides access to the five most respected US national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. Content is available by 8am each day and archives contain coverage as far back as 1985.
Newspapers on ProQuest platform - citing functionality available. See "Cite" when you view a record.
Newspapers, magazines, journals etc. through the EBSCOhost platform - citing functionality available. See "Cite" when you are at a record.
This Google Custom Search box searches selected think tank websites.
If I add daterange:2455198-2456443 after my search terms, then this Google search will limit to items indexed after 1 January 2010.
Newspaper and magazine articles may refer to groups or think tanks that have an interest in a specific bill. Consider searching for that group's website.
Some think tanks may be more right or left leaning and may have expressed opinions on a specific issue. Limiting a search to site:.org or site:.edu with your terms will sometimes surface these organizations.
Example: "net neutrality" site:.org
Consider looking at specific think tank site. e.g. Rand Group, Brookings listed here.
Once at a site, look for About Us information to determine the ideology. Often these sites will note where they are on the political spectrum (in their viewpoint). When reading a group's publications, determine if there is a specific bias or ideology that is promoted.
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