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Public Health 112 (Burke)

Research Methods Public Health

Library Workshop Goals

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By the end of this session, you will be able to ...

  • use strategies to refine the focus and scope of your research, and inform your research process.
  • use search strategies and database functionality to conduct effective searches and locate relevant resources.
  • obtain APA citations and become familiar with Zotero for managing sources and generating reference lists.

Research Proposal

From PH 112 Research Proposal Prompt: 

To make a convincing case for why your project is valuable, you not only need to 

  • review what’s been done so far and what you intend to do in your study, but you also need to
  • situate your work within the broader context of public health

and clearly explain why your study is unique, important, and represents a significant contribution to the field of public health.

Sources: You must use a minimum of 5 sources for this paper.

  • peer-reviewed published journal articles
    • reporting research findings from qualitative or quantitative methods

Background: This section should accomplish two major goals, in this order: 1. Discuss important findings from previous studies that are relevant to your project so that your reader can gauge the current understanding of the topic...

  • Provide sufficient background information to explain the cognitive ability you are investigating and define all key terms/concepts.

  • Demonstrate that you have a good knowledge of the public health literature related to your topic- this requires doing your research so you do not exclude important studies.

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