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Public Health 106 (Payan)

Health Policy

Tools for Managing Citations

RefWorks logo

RefWorks is subscription tool that helps you manage, share and cite your sources. All UC Merced students, faculty and staff can create a RefWorks account. RefWorks now offers a new interface and enhanced functionality.  More details are available at RefWorks - New & Improved.

Legacy RefWorks remains available through Fall 2016.  Access an existing RefWorks account from the legacy login page or directly through single sign-on (if you have this set-up).  See RefWorks Access: Single Sign-On Transition for details on creating a RefWorks account with your UCMnetID and password.

Zotero Logo
Zotero is an open source Firefox extension that helps you gather, organize, analyze and share sources. Learn to use Zotero by watching Zotero TutorialsMore about Zotero.

Mendeley Logo
Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that helps you manage, discover and share the latest research. Learn how to use Mendeley with these video tutorialsMore about Mendeley.

EndNote Web Logo
Endnote Web is a scaled-down version of EndNote that comes with the library's subscription to Web of Science. Learn to use EndNote Web with EndNote Tutorials and Training ToolsMore about Endnote Web.

BibMe is a free bibliography generator that supports MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian formatting. Learn to use BibMe by watching Bibme Tutorials. More about BibMe.