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Public Health 106 (Payan)

Health Policy


As you consider the scope of your research, think about these concepts:

  • Population / Problem (who are you screening? Why?)
  • Intervention (what are you evaluating? e.g., a treatment, an intervention, etc)
  • Comparison (are you comparing this group to another group, e.g. a placebo group?)
  • Outcome (what are the outcomes? Is there a specific one you are looking at?)
  • Timeframe (is there a set timeframe you are working with?)
  • Setting (primary care? Outpatient? etc.)

(From Lackey, M. (2013). Systematic reviews: Searching the literature [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

In adults, is screening for depression and feedback of results to providers more effective than no screening and feedback in improving outcomes of major depression in primary care settings?

  • Population / Problem: adults / depression (major)
  • Intervention: screening, feedback
  • Comparison: none
  • Outcome: no particular outcomes specified
  • Timeframe: none
  • Setting: primary care

(From Lackey, M. (2013). Systematic reviews: Searching the literature [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from


Use your PICOTS concepts as preliminary search terms. The important terms in this question:

How can screening for depression and feedback of results to providers versus no screening and feedback improve outcomes of major depression in primary care settings for adult populations?





Major depression

Primary Care

(From Lackey, M. (2013). Systematic reviews: Searching the literature [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from