Mission Statement
In keeping with the University’s mission of teaching, research, and service, the mission of the University of California, Merced Library is to achieve excellence by meeting the diverse research, teaching, and public service needs of UC Merced researchers (students, faculty, and staff) with targeted, quality collections and relevant services which effectively and efficiently support the research life-cycle of finding, using, creating, and managing information
Definition: A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives. Projects stand in contrast to operations, which are the permanent, repetitive efforts of a business or organization.
Goal A Projects - leverage physical resources
Goal B Projects - user communication & instruction
Goal C Projects - collaborations to increase usability & accessibility of resources
Goal D Projects - sustain information resources
Goal E Projects - positive work environment
Goal F Projects - digital curation and data management
Definition: Operations are the permanent, repetitive efforts of a business or organization. Operations stand in contrast to projects, which is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives.
Goal A Operations - leverage physical resources
Goal B Operations - user communication & instruction
Goal C Operations - collaborations to increase usability & accessibility of resources
Goal D Operations - sustain information resources
Goal E Operations - positive work environment
Goal F Operations - digital curation and data management
The library will leverage its physical resources (space, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and IT infrastructure) to provide for the common good of the UC Merced Library user community, with a non-exclusive bias towards meeting the needs of undergraduate students.
Outcome A1
Provide accessible, functional, comfortable, and productive spaces that support a variety of academic needs, including quiet study, group study, social interaction, and campus meetings and events.
Outcome A2
Reduce physical barriers to information by providing easily navigated spaces, logically organized and maintained book stacks, and options for library services.
Outcome A3
Make all decisions about library public spaces based on both user assessment and the professional judgment of library staff.
Outcome A4
Make all decisions about library staff spaces to achieve maximum utilization of space and increased workflow efficiency.
Measure A1
The UC Merced Library will annually compare its opening hours with those of other UC Libraries with the goal of being at or above the UC Systemwide median for total hours open.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure A2
The UC Merced Library will measure building occupancy rates, tying measured occupancies to day of the week, time of day, and library locations. The Library Access Services Department will conduct daily occupancy counts on nights and weekends; it will conduct weekday counts from 2 to 4 times per semester. The library will analyze this data and consider it in planning the scheduling of operating hours, staffing levels, and furniture acquisition.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure A3
Seventy-five percent of students in focus groups will respond that they are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the library's physical resources. Findings inconsistent with this goal will be examined for space planning implications.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure A4
The UC Merced Library will collect data on the number and type of events hosted in the library with the goal of creating a longitudinal record of the use of the library.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
The library will sustain—in the face of a growing community of students and faculty—current quality of user communication and instruction services by optimizing our resources, collaborating with partners, leveraging technology, and diversifying our instruction models.
Outcome B1
Increase undergraduate student research skills in a sustainable manner through consistent and effective information literacy instruction and the use of existing and emerging technologies.
Outcome B2
Provide library student assistants with the knowledge and skills to provide excellent customer service, including the ability to answer and refer questions.
Outcome B3
Increase awareness of library resources & services, collections, faculty & student research, cultural knowledge through digital signage, exhibits, the website, and social networking tools.
Measure B1:
Provide information-literacy instruction to over 50% of WRI 10 sections.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B2:
Fulfill 100% of requests for instruction.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B3:
At least 70% of incoming freshmen students will have taken the iPod Touch Tour between the start of fall semester and the middle of spring semester.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B4:
Eighty percent of students in WRI 10 who receive library instruction will indicate through their portfolios that library instruction helped them successfully find information for their research papers.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B5:
Eighty percent of students who take the iPod Touch Tour will indicate on the assessment that their knowledge of the library's space, services, and resources is "good" or "excellent."
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B6:
Seventy-five percent of the students who complete the iPod Touch Tour follow up assignment will receive scores of "high" or "perfect."
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B7:
Students in focus groups who received instruction from the library or used library guides in their course work will report that these were helpful.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B8:
Eighty percent of students who respond to UCCUES questions on library research skill will report that their current ability is "good," or "very good," or "excellent."
Responsibility: IPA/Sara Davidson
Measure B9:
Eighty percent of the students responding to the graduating senior campus survey who received library instruction will "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statement "The library research instruction I received helped me find suitable information resources for my papers and projects."
Responsibility: IPA/Sara Davidson
Measure B10:
Develop a method to automatically gather and report data on use of the UC Libraries Systemwide Tutorial by UC Merced students.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B11:
The library will collect baseline statistics on the number of users visiting the library's website, LibGuides, and Facebook pages.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure B12:
The library will collect baseline data from students in focus groups indicating how they have learned about the library's resources and services.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
The library will actively pursue innovative solutions and worthwhile collaborations that increase the usability and accessibility of information resources to support users' course work, research, and service.
Outcome C1
Advocate with vendors, knowledge institutions, and other UC libraries to improve the usability and accessibility of information resources.
Outcome C2
Undertake local projects to improve the usability and accessibility of information resources such as enhancements to the website and other library information technology.
Outcome C3
Provide, when necessary, personal assistance via a triage system that relies heavily on well-trained student employees and, as necessary, career staff.
Outcome C4
Advocate among UC researchers for more economically sustainable publishing models.
Measure C1:
The per-capita use of 24/7 digital reference service by UC Merced students will be above the mean for all UC campuses.
Responsibility: Teal Smith
Measure C2:
Eighty percent of UC Merced users who complete the 24/7 digital reference service feedback form will report that they will use the service again.
Responsibility: Teal Smith
Measure C3:
The library will analyze verbatim transcripts of 24/7 sessions initiated by UC Merced students. The goal is to use this data for continuous improvement of the library web site and user interfaces based on actual questions from library users.
Responsibility: Teal Smith
Measure C4:
The library will conduct usability testing of the library website with new library student assistants looking for any patterns that indicate either the extent of success or failure on the part of information seekers. The goal is to use this data for continuous improvement of the web site and user interfaces based on actual use.
Responsibility: Susan Mikkelson
Measure C5:
The library will analyze data gathered by the LibAnswers software to identify repeat questions or any pattern of problems that student encounter when search for information or using the library. The goal is continuous improvement of the UC Merced Library web site, user interfaces, services, and instruction.
Responsibility: Susan Mikkelson
Measure C6:
The library will gather a random-sample of data concerning the number and complexity of questions asked at the Library's Helpdesk and Service desk. The library will analyze this data to insure that staffing levels are appropriate based on day of week and time of day.
Responsibility: Mary Weppler-Selear
Measure C7:
The Library's Roving Reference student employees collect data on the number of questions they are asked, the time and day on which the questions are asked, and the complexity of the questions they are asked. The library will analyze this data to ensure that levels of Roving Reference staff are adequate.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure C8:
The Library will have at least one career staff member on duty at all times the library is open including nights and weekends.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure C9:
Seventy-five percent of individuals who respond to the Graduating Student Survey will "agree" or "strongly agree" that they received satisfactory assistance from library staff at library service desks.
Responsibility: IPA/Sara Davidson
Measure C10:
Seventy-five percent of individuals who respond to the Graduating Student Survey will "agree" or "strongly agree" that they received satisfactory assistance from library staff when they asked for hlep finding information for their papers and projects.
Responsibility: IPA/Sara Davidson
Measure C11:
Library staff will provide a minimum of three events to faculty promoting economically sustainable publishing.
Responsibility: Emily Lin
The library will sustain the current quality of library information resources in an environment of rapidly increasing numbers of users and growth of programs.
Outcome D1
Provide information resources–both owned and leased–that directly support the current research and instructional needs of the students, staff, and faculty of the university.
Outcome D2
Acquire information resources in any format as appropriate, though with a preference for resources in electronic format.
Outcome D3
Maintain current collection funding priorities:
- Materials purchased or licensed at faculty request
- All-campus licenses for e-journals, e-books and databases (Tier 1)
- Selected less-than-all-campus licenses for e-journals, e-books and databases (Tier 2)
- Locally licensed e-books available through patron-driven acquisition plans
- Strategic investments in response to changes in research and publication practices (e.g. open-access publishing, digital preservation)
- Purchase of print monographs through an approval plan
- Coverage of areas of emerging interest that may be included in future research and instructional programs.
Outcome D4
Maintain commitment to, and investment in, non-ownership-based information-access strategies, such as:
- Interlibrary Loan
- Supplemental course resources
- UC system-wide strategies (e.g. UC Shared Print in Place)
- Regional/national/international strategies (e.g. WEST, HathiTrust)
- Transformative strategies (e.g. open-access publication)
Measure D1:
Seventy-five percent of students in focus groups will respond that they are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the library's information resources.
Responsibility: Sara Davidson
Measure D2:
The University Librarian will work with the Academic Senate Graduate Research Council Subcommittee on the Library and Information in order to get additional faculty input on information resources.
Responsibility: Donald Barclay
Measure D3:
Review 2012 systemwide ILL Customer Satisfaction Survey to establish a baseline for future assessment.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure D4:
The library will achieve a 95% fill rate for direct requests from faculty to purchase books or DVDs.
Responsibility: Jim Dooley
Measure D5:
UC Merced Library will be at or above the median for percentage of total budget expended on information resources as compared the other UC Libraries.
Responsibility: Jim Dooley
Measure D6:
Technical service staff will put all physical materials (books, DVDs, etc.) on the shelf and load records into OCLC WorldCat within five working days of receipt.
Responsibility: Jim Dooley
Measure D7:
For the library's Supplemental Course Resources (SCR), library staff will prioritize and fulfill all requests in order to meet instructional needs in a timely manner.
Responsibility: Emily Lin
Measure D8:
Co-invest with the California Digital Library in support of open-access publishing by UC Merced faculty and/or graduate students.
Responsibility: Susan Mikkelsen
Measure D9
The library will analyze the need and cost/benefits for all major gifts of materials and maintain records for all decisions for accepted and rejected offers.
The library will maintain a positive work environment for all employees at all levels, providing regular opportunities for both individual and organizational development.
Outcome E1:
Support effective recruitment, training, and professional development opportunities as key elements in the success of the library.
Outcomes E2:
Support effective recruitment and training of library student employees to enhance the success of the library and to foster their academic, professional, and personal growth.
Measure E1:
UC Merced Library annual participation in staff training/professional development will be maintained at or above the level of previous year.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure E2:
The library will host at least three in-service activities for library staff during the fiscal year.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure E3:
When surveyed about their satisfaction with the training and professional development opportunities they receive, at least 75% of library staff will report that they are "satisfied" or "highly satisfied."
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure E4:
100% of student employees will receive the following minimum amount of training, which will be tracked.
- 4 hours of classroom training
- 4 hours of additional individual training
- 4 hours of coaching per year
- complete a post-training assessment
A 90% attendance and completion rate will be considered successful.
In addition, public service student employees will complete all Question of the Week assignments.
Responsibility: Eric Scott
Measure E5:
The UC Merced Library will achieve a retention rates among student employees of 85% (excluding students who separate due to graduation, transfer, or by otherwise separating from the university).
Responsibility: Eric Scott
The library will provide digital curation services in order to support the research needs and output of UC Merced researchers.
Outcome F1
Define policies for archiving, delivering access to, and disseminating locally produced research data that are determined to be university assets or of value for future use.
Outcome F2
Identify and evaluate service offerings available within the UC system or external organizations that may address local needs.
Outcome F3
Communicate and implement data curation services to campus stakeholders.
Measure F1:
The library will examine and compare collection policies and guidelines for research data from peer institutions in order to develop baselines for future assessment.
Responsibility: Emily Lin
Measure F2:
Of the electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) submitted by the Graduate Division, 100% of those submitted with signed author agreements will be archived and made accessible according to rights agreement terms.
Responsibility: Emily Lin
Measure F3:
Conduct follow-up with respondents from 2011 faculty data curation survey who requested more information on data curation services to evaluate current services and propose initiatives.
Responsibility: Emily Lin
Measure F4:
Assess the use of EZID service by UC Merced researchers.
Responsibility: Emily Lin
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