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History 100 (Malloy): Setting Up RefWorks

The Historian's Craft


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RefWorks is a citation management software tool available to UC Merced students, faculty and staff. RefWorks helps you ...

  • manage your research materials.
  • create bibliographies.
  • generate in-text citations. (Word, Google Docs)
  • annotate articles.
  • share references / documents with others.

See information on the new RefWorks interface.

RefWorks Help

Sign into RefWorks with Your UCMnetID

If you are new to RefWorks, it is easiest if you use your UCMnetID and password to create and access a RefWorks account.

STEP 1. Visit the new RefWorks home page.

STEP 2. Select "Login with your institution's credentials".

Login with your institutions credentials

STEP 3. Click "Login from my institution".

Select Use login from my institution

Continued ...

STEP 4. Type in Merced.  Select University of California, Merced from the drop down menu.

Look for Merced

STEP 5. You will be taken in your RefWorks account.  You will see the university's name and your own name in the upper right of the account.

 Success - accessed a RefWorks Account