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History 100 (Malloy): History Journals

The Historian's Craft

Learning About Specific Journals

Curious about what topics a specific journal covers?

  • Google the title of the journal and look on the homepage, About page, or even a section called "Scope and aim." These are just suggestions. The information will be somewhere on the journal's website.

Example: The Journal of American of History

  • Use Ulrichsweb, a database that lists "detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more."

Example: The Journal of American History

Finding Journals by Title with the eJournal Finder

Curious if we have a specific journal?

You can look for it by title in the eJournal finder. (It's the Journals tab on the top-right of the library's website.) If we have the journal, it will also list which database it can be found in, along with information about which dates it covers.

Example: The Journal of American History