ACTIVITY 1: Visit the hyperlinks below to view images.
- What usages are permitted?
- Is there licensing information?
Sample Images
- Mt. Fugi Illustration (
- CGI-Abstract-4789 (openverse)
- Two Test Tubes (
- 10 meter platform diving finals, 1984 Olympics (
- Road Map of California ... (
- smile face (
- The Citadel of Cairo, residence of Mehemet Ali (
- clock vector graphics (
ACTIVITY 2: Visit the image collections or search tools below. Try a search for a desired keyword.
- What kind of license(s) are applied to the images in this search tool? Where have you found this information?
- Can you limit your search to a specific license type?
Sample Collections
- AP Newsroom (library database, VPN required if off-campus)
- flickr
- Google Advanced Image search
- ArtSTOR (library database, VPN required if off-campus)