Which of these library databases have you used the most?
Web of Science: 10 votes (32.26%)
CHEMnetBASE: 1 votes (3.23%)
Science Direct: 5 votes (16.13%)
Google Scholar: 13 votes (41.94%)
Haven't used library databases: 2 votes (6.45%)
Total Votes: 31
Your Assignment
Complete a semester-long project to find information and data on a testable hypothesis related to geochemistry and/or environmental chemistry. Complete a research report with properly cited references.
Collaborative workrooms are great for group study. Rooms are available on the second, third and fourth floors of the library. Each room has a dry erase board and a flat panel computer display.
You can call, email or chat with a librarian when you need help with your research. There is also a web form to schedule an appointment with a librarian.