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Political Science 194 (Conrad)

Senior Honors Thesis Seminar

Finding Known Items

Known item searching refers to finding a specific article, either based on a citation or title.

Article Level Strategies

1.  Look for the article title in Google Scholar For full-text, try clicking on the article title OR look under More for UC-eLinks/ Get it at UC.

2.  Look for the article title in UC Library Search.  Look for the green Available Online link or request form.

3.  Look for the article title in a major database in the article's subject area.  * This can be a little bit like a needle in a haystack!!

4.  Look in regular Google.  You may be able to find on the web IF someone has posted it.

Journal Level Strategy

5. Look for the journal title in the Journals tab.  Search for the journal title in the Journals tab on the library home page search box.  See if the journal is available. Is the date you need available? If so, drill down to the correct volume and issue number.

Try it Out

Do we have these resources?

1.  Harrison, Mark, "The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison", Cambridge University Press (1998).

2.  Armies of the Crusades, T. Wise 1978

3.  "International Subscontracting and the Production of Athletic Footwear" by R. Barff, J Austen from Environment and Planning A, 1993 volume 25 (8) 1103 – 1114

4.  "Does Monitoring Improve Labor Standards-Lessons from Nike" by RM Lock, F Qin, A Brause from Industrial and Labor Relations Review Vol 61, No. 1, October 2007 pg. 3-31