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* You may wish to add words to your search that may bring up sources that are overviews in some way.
Example: Search for the following in the Title field of Academic Search Complete.
introduction OR fundamentals OR trends OR review OR status
Profiles nearly a quarter of a million consumer and trade magazines, academic and scholarly publications, monographic series, newsletters, newspapers, electronic publications, 'zines, and many other types of serial publications on all subjects.
Locate books, articles, and more from all UC campuses and beyond in this unified discovery and borrowing system. Use filters and alternative search scopes to narrow your results. Connect via the VPN to view all content available to you. Log in to your account to request material.
This reference collection of almost 900 titles includes books from 30 Sci-Tech publishers. The main subject areas include Engineering, Life Sciences & Chemistry, and Materials. All titles are available in full-text and are searchable. Additional features include interactive tables, equation plotters and graph digitizers.
Provides access to a collection of reference books including encyclopedias, dictionaries, measurement conversions and more. For Chrome browser users, follow this link to troubleshoot a known issue.
Access to an archive for preprints for physics, mathematics, nonlinear sciences, and computer science. Formerly the Los Alamos National Laboratory Eprint Archive, and also known as, the main site hardware operations were transferred from Los Alamos to the Cornell University Library site in December 2001.
A multidisciplinary database with full text content in the arts, social sciences, humanities and sciences.
Provides online access to a robust collection of close to 1 million articles from leading physical sciences publications including journals, conference proceedings, standards, and magazines published by AIP Publishing and AIPP's publishing partners.
1969 - present. Compendex, via Engineering Village, contains over 9 million records and references from over 5,000 journals, conferences, and trade publications. The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented.
1898 - present. INSPEC, via Engineering Village 2, offers over 9 million records from over 5,000 journals, conference proceedings, reports, dissertations, and books (from 1969-2008). Produced by The Institution of Engineering and Technology. Covers a range of subjects from computers and ocean engineering to astronomy and acoustics.
A search engine providing access to both freely available and subscription based resources including articles, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, conference proceedings and technical .
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1956 - present), Science Citation Index (1900 - present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (1990 - present), and Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Science & Humanities (1990 - present).
1990 - present. Contains full-text technical papers on optics and photonics from SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering). Includes journals, proceedings, and technical papers.
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