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Water in California: Working with Data

Guide to support Quantitative Assignment #2

Evaluating Graphs


Instructions: Examine the graphs below and note what you think may be missing or misleading about each.  There will be at least one issue with each graph.  Identify the issue(s) and then briefly explain for each.


Graph #1

a) Identify what is the primary issue?  Summarize in a phrase.

b) Explain briefly.


Kliff, S. (2012, Sept. 6) “Bill Clinton’s speech (in graphs).  Washington Post. Retrieved from


Graph #2

a) Identify what is the primary issue?  Summarize in a phrase.

b) Explain briefly.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. (2011). Health, United States, 2011 (Trend Table 88) [Excel data file]. Retrieved from

Graph #3

a) Identify what is the primary issue?  Summarize in a phrase.

b) Explain briefly.

3d graphs influenza vaccinations

ProQuest Statistical Datasets. (2011). Vaccinations: Influenza Vaccinations, 1995-2009 [Data file]. Retrieved from



* to be able to recognize and create effective graphs to support written text and argument.

Assessing the Use of Graphs

Data & Chart Examples

Flu Trends