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Spark 001 - Flesh & Bone: Forensic Science (Jarrell)

Peer Review


Based on this video, how would you describe peer review to someone new to this concept?

What does the narrator emphasize as benefits to the peer review process?

Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly

graphic of scholarly and non-scholarly sources

from video "Scholarly vs non-scholarly sources - academic resources Research ready" (1:58) from Southern Cross University Library

Scholarly and Non-Scholarly Characteristics

Scholarly Non-Scholarly
can include articles and books can include articles, books, and many other information sources from blogs to government publications
Scholarly articles are also referred to as peer-reviewed or refereed articles. These are a sub-set of scholarly articles. sources that are non-scholarly can still be useful and credible
Scholarly books are often produced by university presses (e.g. University of California Press) or other publishers focused on academic literature produced by a variety of individuals and organizations from reputable organizations to self-publishers
include citations, usually extensive (lots!) citations may or may not be included
written by and for faculty, researchers or scholars (research focused) written for a variety of audiences