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Sociology 201: Sociology Professionalization Seminar (Verduzco Reyes, Fall 2024)

Finding Known Items

1) Find an Article

Search in Google Scholar.  Though this is not comprehensive, it will often bring up specific article titles.  The UC-eLinks or Get it at UC option is found under MORE for most citations.

2) Find a Journal

Look for a journal title in the Journals@UCMerced

  • Type in the journal name.
  • Determine if UC Merced subscribes to it for the year(s) you need.

3) Find a Journal, Article or Book

Search for the journal title or an article title in UC Library Search.

  • On the results page, click the title for the item you need.
  • Use the UC-eLinks button to find/navigate to the full text.


Examples: How would we go about finding these?

Sample Citation 1: 

Golash-Boza, T., Duenas, M. D., & Xiong, C. (2019). White supremacy, patriarchy, and global capitalism in migration studies. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(13), 1741-1759.

Sample Citation 2:

Alvarez, C. H. (2016). Militarization and water: a cross-national analysis of militarism and freshwater withdrawals. Environmental Sociology, 2(3), 298-305.

Get it at UC (UC Library Search)

Get it at UC connects you from a source citation to the resource.

You will be taken to UC Library Search where you can navigate to the full-text of the source OR initiate a request for the source through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

The Get it at UC button will appear in many library databases. Use it to more easily locate or request the resources you need!

Get It At UC button

Use Interlibrary Loan - ILL (Infographic)

Infographic "Use Interlibrary Loan"; Follow the long description link for a text accessible version

Long description of "Use Interlibrary Loan" for web accessibility

This graphic was adapted from the original at IUPUI University Library and is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.