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Sociology 201: Sociology Professionalization Seminar (Verduzco Reyes, Fall 2024)

Sociology Journals

All of the journals listed below are peer reviewed.

This list was generated from Journal Citations Reports (JCR),, Ulrich’s, and list of titles abstracts in Sociological Abstracts.

  • American Journal of Economics and Sociology
  • American Journal of Sociology
  • American Sociological Review
  • Annual Review of Sociology
  • British Journal of Sociology
  • British Journal of Sociology of Education
  • City & Community
  • Demography
  • Economy and Society
  • Ethnic and Racial Studies
  • Gender & Society
  • Journal of Health and Social Behavior
  • Journal of Marriage and Family
  • Mobilization: An International Journal
  • Race
  • Sex Role: A Journal of Research
  • Social Forces
  • Social Networks
  • Social Problems
  • Social Psychology Quarterly
  • Social Science Research
  • Sociological Methods & Research
  • Sociological Perspectives
  • Sociological Theory
  • Sociology
  • Sociological Association
  • Sociology of Education
  • Youth & Society

Journals - other Disciplines

The following are other journals in which you may find articles related to your topic. They are all peer reviewed unless otherwise indicated with an asterisk *. These journals tend to fall into the following broad subject areas: Education & Educational Research; Developmental Psychology; Psychology, Clinical; Psychology, Social; Medical Sciences etc.)

  • Academe
  • Adolescence
  • British Journal of Educational Psychology
  • College Student Journal
  • Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
  • Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
  • Higher Education Policy
  • Higher Education
  • Quarterly Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
  • Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice
  • Journal of Education for Business
  • Journal of Education Policy
  • Journal of Education and Work
  • Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology
  • Journal of Social Work
  • * NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Journal)
  • Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice
  • Nursing Research
  • Research in Higher Education
  • Research in the Schools
  • Review of Educational Research
  • Studies in Higher Education