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SOC 191-03 (Whitt) - Senior Capstone


RefWorks is an online tool for managing and citing your references. 

With RefWorks you can

  • add and organize reference information (aka citation information).
  • save and annotate files (e.g. PDF of an article) associated with each reference.
  • cite references in a citation style of your choice.
  • write in Word or Google docs and create citations along the way. 
  • collaborate on a project or share references with peers & colleagues.

RefWorks is provided by the UC Merced Library to all UC Merced students, faculty and staff. 

Create an account to get started

Sign into RefWorks with Your UCMnetID

If you are new to RefWorks, it is easiest if you use your UCMnetID and password to create and access a RefWorks account.

STEP 1. Visit the new RefWorks home page.

STEP 2. Select "Login with your institution's credentials".

Login with your institutions credentials

STEP 3. Click "Login from my institution".

Select Use login from my institution

Bibliographic citations managers at UC Merced

For a project like the senior capstone, it's highly recommended that you use a bibliographic citation manager to keep track of your citations, help you build bibliographies, and format citations within written assignments. Bibliographic citation managers can automatically format citations in a requested format and help you insert in-line citations into a paper. They're not magic software (!); you still have to be sure that your citations are correct. But they sure take a lot of guesswork out of creating bibliographies and lists of works cited at the end of your paper.

Officially, the UC Merced Library supports three citation managers: RefWorks, Zotero, and Mendeley. This means that the librarians know how to use these managers and can help you use them. If you'd like to learn more about one of them, we're offering workshops in their use during the semester. Please consult the "Need help?" page in this guide for a list of workshops and to schedule yourself for a workshop.

UC Merced Library citation manager guides